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Our Newest Team Members

I am very excited to announce that we are now working with students from Hamilton College on a variety of projects. Each week, students will write blog posts about their journey into the world of non-profit start-ups. They have volunteered to help on a variety of projects ranging from website design and social media to compost container construction.

Follow their journey on this blog for more updates along the way as we continue to grow together as an organization.

Other important team members:

We have also been working with a Hamilton Spanish class in order to translate our materials so more people can learn about healthy eating and urban gardens.

I'd also like to take this time to give a shout out to our Hamilton interns through the (Community Outreach & Opportunity Project) COOP. For the past two semesters, we have had great interns helping us continue to grow.

Finally, we would be nothing without supportive community members like you. It is through your volunteering, donations, and continual support that we are able to serve the community and grow together. Thank you!

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