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People often ask, what does someone who works with gardens do in the winter (which in upstate NY feels like most of the year)? Well, I am glad you asked, inquisitive stranger. The answer is the same for every farmer in the off season: plan. However, unlike most farmers who carefully plan which crops to plant where and when, we are busy planning classes for the community.

Part of our goal of creating community is achieved through education. We aim to help teach community members about a large variety of food issues: from composting to cooking. And we have classes geared for each and every community member. Whether you are a SNAP recipient looking to stretch your dollar while making healthy meals or a retiree looking to learn gardening skills (from beginner to advanced) or are somewhere in between, we have a class for you. Young, old, novice, advanced, we believe everyone can benefit from some of our programming. So keep checking back here for more classes as we continue to add them. Tell your friends and neighbors; bring your kids. Everyone can learn something new!

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