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Something new is sprouting up in Utica

Hello, world! Welcome to Utica Greens. As this is our very first blog post, let me just tell you a little about us. We are a new non-profit located in Utica, NY, working with local community gardens throughout the city. We hope to help these gardens in any way they may need so that the can be of best service for the city. We would love to work towards a future where everyone has access to affordable, fresh produce and has both the knowledge and desire to eat nutritious, local foods.

Right now, we are in the very beginning of our new local food journey. Please bare with us as we work to establish ourselves as a new non-profit and help us learn about what exactly the community needs are. We want to hear from you! Would you want outdoor morning yoga classes in the summer? Or maybe a place to grow your own vegetables? Or are you just looking for place to pick fresh vegetables? Do you want to know more about vegetables? Maybe have someone teach you how to cook new and unique dishes? Or to help learn about other cultures and increase understanding through food? We want to know. Please let us know what you would like to see done in the community around urban gardens and local food issues.

The little sprout in the picture below is from the 'BUG' garden (or the Boilermaker Urban Garden located at the Boilermaker headquarters in West Utica). It was planted by one of the children in the FEAST program run by Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE). These children spent the summer learning all about how to grow their own food, cook it, and tell others about what they learned. This is just one example of some of the programing Utica Greens will support and partner with other organization on in the future, with support from people like you. So please follow us on this journey together as we build a stronger, more sustainable food system.

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram and like us on Facebook and feel free to email us with any questions, comments, or concerns.

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